Rising carbon dioxide (CO2) has decreased seawater pH at long-term observing stations around the world, including in the open ocean north of Oahu, Hawai‘i; near Alaska’s Aleutian Islands; on the Gulf of Maine shore; and on Gray’s Reef in the southeastern United States. This ocean acidification process has already affected some marine species and altered fundamental ecosystem processes, and further effects are likely (high confidence, likely).
While atmospheric CO2 rises at approximately the same rate all over the globe, its non-climate effects on land vary depending on climate and dominant species. In terrestrial ecosystems, rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to increase plant photosynthesis, growth, and water-use efficiency, though these effects are reduced when nutrients, drought, or other factors limit plant growth ( very high confidence, very likely). Rising CO2 would likely change carbon storage and influence terrestrial hydrology and biogeochemical cycling, but concomitant effects on vegetation composition and nutrient feedbacks are challenging to predict, making decadal forecasts uncertain.
Consequences of rising atmospheric CO2 are expected to include difficult-to-predict changes in the ecosystem services that terrestrial and oceanic systems provide to humans. For instance, ocean acidification resulting from rising CO2 has decreased the supply of larvae that sustains commercial shellfish production in the northwestern United States. In addition, CO2 fertilization (increases) plus warming (decreases) are changing terrestrial crop yields (high confidence, likely).
Continued persistence of uptake of carbon by the land and ocean is uncertain. Climate and environmental changes create complex feedbacks to the carbon cycle; how these feedbacks modulate future effects of rising CO2 on carbon sinks is unclear. There are several mechanisms that would reduce the ability of land and ocean sinks to continue taking up a large proportion of rising CO2 (very high confidence).
Very High | Likely | As Likely As Not | Unlikely | Very Unlikely |
≥ 9 in 10 | ≥ 2 in 3 | ≈ 1 in 2 | ≤ 1 in 3 | ≤ 1 in 10 |
Note: Confidence levels are provided as appropriate for quantitative, but not qualitative, Key Findings and statements. See Guide to this Report for more on uncertainty of numerical estimates.
Cooley, S. R., D. J. P. Moore, S. R. Alin, D. Butman, D. W. Clow, N. H. F. French, R. A. Feely, Z. I. Johnson, G. Keppel-Aleks, S. E. Lohrenz, I. B. Ocko, E. H. Shadwick, A. J. Sutton, C. S. Potter, Y. Takatsuka, A. P. Walker, and R. M. S. Yu, 2018: Chapter 17: Biogeochemical effects of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. In Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report [Cavallaro, N., G. Shrestha, R. Birdsey, M. A. Mayes, R. G. Najjar, S. C. Reed, P. Romero-Lankao, and Z. Zhu (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 690-727, https://doi.org/10.7930/SOCCR2.2018.Ch17.
The most central planetary outcome of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and black carbon is their warming effect on Earth’s atmosphere, which influences weather and climate (IPCC 2013). The Climate Science Special Report (CSSR; USGCRP 2017) concludes with high confidence that Earth’s observed temperature increase in the last century results from human influence, especially from emissions of greenhouse gases including CO2 and CH4 and particulates such as black carbon. Furthermore, CSSR (USGCRP 2017) demonstrates that the consequences of atmospheric warming are profound and diverse, significantly altering planetary surface temperatures and overall climate and thus also directly or indirectly altering countless oceanic and terrestrial processes.
Increased global temperatures lead to extremes in temperature and precipitation (IPCC 2013), causing heatwaves, droughts, floods, and changing storm system patterns (Melillo et al., 2014), with additional consequences for the carbon cycle. For instance, warming and changing weather melt polar ice cover and thaw Arctic permafrost, releasing CH4 and CO2 as stored organic matter is microbially respired (see Ch. 11: Arctic and Boreal Carbon). Melting glaciers and seawater expansion will raise sea levels, changing ecosystem boundaries and affecting net carbon fluxes (IPCC 2013; USGCRP 2017). Heating and ice melt will stratify the ocean, dampening the ability of vertical mixing to refresh surface waters with nutrients that support primary production (IPCC 2013). A warmer ocean will hold less carbon, because warmer ocean temperatures decrease the solubility of CO2 in seawater (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow 2001). Both long-term increases in ocean temperature and short-term marine heatwaves may affect stocks of organic and inorganic carbon contained in marine ecosystems and sediments (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves). Changing snowpack dynamics will affect water availability significantly in riverine ecosystems. In midlatitudes, fire frequency and severity will change as a result of changes in temperature and precipitation. These shifts and feedbacks are very likely to have widespread, interacting effects on human and natural systems that elicit a variety of responses.
Upon this backdrop of accumulating, thermally driven planetary climate change that impacts the carbon cycle, rising atmospheric CO2 is also affecting oceanic and terrestrial systems in nonthermal ways that have only begun to be understood since the First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR1; CCSP 2007). The observed rise in atmospheric CO2 since the 1950s is lower than the contributions from estimated emissions because both the ocean and land continue to take up a portion of the atmospheric CO2 from anthropogenic (i.e., human) activities, indicating both systems are carbon sinks (Ballantyne et al., 2012). Ocean uptake prevents some degree of atmospheric warming but results in ocean acidification (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves), which drives a host of chemical and biological impacts, as reviewed below. The terrestrial “CO2 fertilization effect” is the increased uptake of CO2 per unit land area caused by rising CO2, which is greater than could be expected from plant regrowth after land-use change and stimulation by increased nutrient availability. Global analysis suggests that CO2 fertilization is responsible for up to 60% of the overall land sink (Schimel et al., 2015), but persistence of these benefits into the future is highly uncertain (Müller et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2016). Moreover, the thermal impacts of climate change will interact with, enhance, or in some cases overwhelm the nonthermal effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on ecosystems; these different future scenarios are explored elsewhere in this report (see Ch. 19: Future of the North American Carbon Cycle). These findings have important implications; the current partitioning of anthropogenic CO2 sinks among the ocean, atmosphere, and terrestrial biosphere, therefore, also will change in the future. Because CO2 is involved in all aspects of growth in biological systems there also are important non-climate effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration.
To better explain the non-climate effects of rising CO2 on ecological systems, this chapter first reviews the historical context of rising CO2 and then examines its impact on ocean and terrestrial systems (see Figure 17.1), including ocean acidification, productivity and ecosystem changes, interactions with other environmental changes, and carbon cycle feedbacks. Also examined are changes in ecosystem services (or benefits to humans) resulting from chemical changes in Earth system processes and how those intersect with thermally driven changes. This examination is followed by a review of outstanding research needs for gaining greater clarity on the effects of rising CO2 on oceanic and terrestrial systems.
Such a comprehensive, collected examination of the effects of carbon cycle changes is new in the Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2) and responds to the requirement in the Global Change Research Act that “analyzes the effect of global change on the natural environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social systems, and biological diversity” (Global Change Research Act 1990, Section 106). Since publication of SOCCR1 (CCSP 2007), many highly influential reports have assessed the consequences of carbon cycle changes on Earth systems, including the Third National Climate Assessment (Melillo et al., 2014), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report (IPCC AR5; IPCC 2013), and the CSSR (USGCRP 2017). This chapter updates the conclusions of the reports cited above, with the most recent literature and with particular attention to North America. Those reports treat the direct and indirect effects of increasing CO2 in greater detail than does this chapter, which focuses to a greater extent on the direct and non-climatic effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Over geological time (i.e., the last 500 million years), atmospheric CO2 levels have at times been well in excess of current CO2 concentrations (see Figure 17.2). However, human civilization developed during the last 10,000 years, a time when atmospheric CO2 was never higher than it is today (Augustin et al., 2004). Once humans began extensively altering the landscape and burning fossil fuels, atmospheric CO2 and CH4 began to rise rapidly and drive changes in atmospheric, terrestrial, and oceanic systems and processes (Olofsson and Hickler 2007).
Changes in atmospheric CO2 changed Earth’s climate and ocean pH and altered the course of plant evolution. Atmospheric CO2 was likely higher than 5,000 parts per million (ppm) at times during the last 540 million years (Phanerozoic Eon) and declined to current levels during the last 25 million years (Doney and Schimel 2007; Royer 2006; see Figure 17.2). During this eon, periods of frequent glaciation events in Earth’s history are associated with CO2 concentrations below 1,000 ppm (Royer 2006). A strong decline of atmospheric CO2 during the Carboniferous Period (359 million years ago) is associated with the proliferation of land plants. Extensive burial of plants from this period resulted in the massive deposits of fossil fuels now being mined. Declining atmospheric CO2 concentrations at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (34 million years ago) induced dynamic ice sheet formation over Antarctica and ultimately led to substantial cooling of global climate over the subsequent 10 million years (DeConto and Pollard 2003). During the Quaternary Period (last 1 million years), ice core records show that temperature increases of ~3°C were associated with CO2 increases of ~100 ppm (Petit et al., 1999). Recent analyses show that during the last deglaciation (from ~21,500 to ~11,500 years ago), observed increases in global temperature lagged behind observed increases in atmospheric CO2 (Shakun et al., 2012). The glacial-interglacial cycle in Earth’s climate during the Quaternary period is caused by a combination of changes in Earth’s orbit, atmospheric greenhouse gases, and ocean circulation (Rohling et al., 2018).
The evolution of different ways of performing photosynthesis has a strong influence on the non-climate consequences of rising CO2 on land. Fundamental to plant life on Earth, atmospheric CO2 concentrations and their dynamics over geological time have played an important role in the evolution of photosynthesis and the distribution of different vegetation types (Beerling et al., 2001; Monson and Collatz 2011). RUBISCO (ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase), the enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of atmospheric CO2 into plant sugars and biomass, evolved in early algae during a time of high CO2 at least 2.8 billion years ago (Doney and Schimel 2007), though perhaps much earlier (Allwood et al., 2006; Raven et al., 2012). Plants evolved different photosynthetic mechanisms and anatomies in response to the relatively low CO2 concentrations that persisted from about 300 million years ago, an environment which enabled C4 grasses (e.g., ancestors of maize, sugarcane, and sorghum) and the cactus family to dominate arid portions of the Earth because of their greater water-use efficiency and drought tolerance (Berner 1997; Osborne and Sack 2012; Pagani et al., 2005).
Prior geological eras also provide information about potential impacts of high atmospheric CO2 on ocean chemistry (Hönisch et al., 2012). Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in seawater and creates carbonic acid, which lowers pH and decreases the concentration of carbonate ions present in solution. The closest analogs to present conditions may be the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (56 million years ago), Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction (~200 million years ago), and Permo-Triassic mass extinction (252.3 million years ago; Hönisch et al., 2012). All these events are associated with evidence of detrimental impacts on calcifying organisms including, in some instances, their extinction. However, definitively attributing negative effects on calcifiers to acidification is not possible because of other factors (e.g., ocean circulation, warming, oxygenation, and asteroid impacts) that may have co-occurred or contributed to the decline or demise of these organisms. Moreover, geochemical proxies indicating pH or ocean carbonate chemistry conditions, particularly for times before the Cretaceous Period (>65 million years ago), are limited and have large uncertainties.
Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, anthropogenic emissions have resulted in increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations detectable by changes in the ratio of 13C and 12C isotopes in the biosphere (Keeling 1979; Suess 1955). Fossil fuels have less of the 13C isotope because they are composed of dead plants and animals, and burning them changes the isotope ratio in the atmosphere. Isotopic studies indicate some of the carbon released from fossil sources becomes incorporated into all organisms, including those as diverse as trees (Suess 1955), marine fish (Fraile et al., 2016), and penguins (Hilton et al., 2006). The decrease in ocean pH since the start of the Industrial Revolution matches or exceeds the pH levels observed for the Quaternary glacial-interglacial period (Pelejero et al., 2010; Turley et al., 2006). Moreover, projected changes in ocean pH by 2100 well exceed those that occurred during the preindustrial period (Bijma et al., 2013; Turley et al., 2006). Recent global changes in upper ocean chemistry likely are occurring more rapidly than at any time over the past 300 million years (Doney et al., 2014; Hönisch et al., 2012). The rates and magnitude of change may soon move the ocean ecosystem into “uncharted territory,” with conditions unlike any that contemporary marine life have faced during their recent evolutionary history (Gattuso et al., 2015; Turley et al., 2006).
Increased uptake of CO2 by the ocean from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution has led to decreased seawater pH and a lower calcium carbonate (CaCO3) mineral saturation state (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves, Section 16.4.2). Average pH values for open-ocean surface water have decreased by approximately 0.11 units from a preindustrial mean value of 8.17, equivalent to an increase of about 28% in hydrogen ion concentration (Feely et al., 2004, 2009; Gattuso et al., 2015; Orr et al., 2005). As a result of ocean acidification, the oceanic average concentration of carbonate ion (CO32–) has declined about 16% from preindustrial values (Bopp et al., 2013; Doney et al., 2009; Gattuso et al., 2015). These changes in carbonate chemistry caused by rising atmospheric CO2 have a variety of effects on aquatic life (e.g., Orr et al., 2005 and Kroeker et al., 2013), which is now an area of active research. Thirty-year ocean time-series datasets (e.g., Bates et al., 2014; Dore et al., 2009) provide direct evidence of this phenomenon worldwide (see Figure 17.3). By the end of this century, surface ocean pH is expected to decline by another 0.1 to 0.4 units, and CO32– concentration is expected to decline by as much as 50% compared to preindustrial conditions (see Figure 17.4).
Significant changes in ocean acidity are readily apparent in the subtropical open ocean (see Figure 17.3) and in several coastal locations (Sutton et al., 2016). High-quality, long-term datasets in extremely nearshore locations are limited, but ocean acidification has been documented year-round at time-series observatories near Alaska’s Aleutian Islands and Oahu, Hawai‘i (both open-ocean sites), and the Gulf of Maine and Gray’s Reef off Georgia (both coastal ocean sites; Sutton et al., 2016). Conditions are more variable at coastal and nearshore time-series sites in the California Current and off Washington state (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves, Section 16.4.2), but they still confirm the presence of significantly acidified conditions during some portions of every year (Sutton et al., 2016). The pH values in coastal waters are much more variable than those in the open ocean (Friedrich et al., 2012; Hofmann et al., 2010; Johnson et al., 2013; Sutton et al., 2016) because of natural processes such as upwelling, biological consumption and release of CO2, temperature- and salinity-driven solubility changes in CO2, or local human inputs of acid-producing substances (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves, Section 16.4.2). Variable coastal processes make long-term pH trends somewhat harder to discern (Sutton et al., 2016), but these processes can enhance acidification (Doney 2010; Feely et al., 2008; Kelly et al., 2011) far beyond global average projections. The projected long-term average global increase in acidity (decreasing pH values) in the next 20 to 40 years due to atmospheric CO2 (see Figure 17.4) is much greater than the natural variability of pH values observed since monitoring began, underscoring the idea that marine life will face unfamiliar seawater chemistry conditions in the near future.
Many coastal margins also suffer from excess anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs, which cause algal overgrowth (eutrophication) and, in some cases, increased microbial digestion (remineralization) of organic matter in bottom waters (see Ch. 16: Coastal Ocean and Continental Shelves). These processes further increase CO2 in water, reduce oxygen (i.e., deoxygenation) and pH, and decrease CaCO3 mineral saturation (Cai et al., 2011; Diaz and Rosenberg 2008; Feely et al., 2016; Rabalais et al., 2002). Multiple stresses to coastal zones (e.g., warming, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation) can cause compounding harm to marine ecosystem health (Bijma et al., 2013; Wallace et al., 2014), complicating detection of individual organism impacts and ecosystem trends from acidification (Duarte et al., 2013; Harvey et al., 2013). Future research about how to manage aquatic ecosystems under global change needs to account for the complexity of climate and non-climate drivers and responses in both coastal and ocean environments (Blackford 2010; Riebesell and Gattuso 2015).
Inland freshwater can dissolve excess atmospheric CO2 just as seawater does. However, the dearth of long-term, high-precision, high-accuracy carbonate chemistry datasets for even major freshwater bodies like the Laurentian Great Lakes precludes attributing a discernible acidification trend in freshwater bodies to atmospheric CO2 (Phillips et al., 2015). As in coastal waters, local processes also can significantly alter freshwater pH, complicating detection and attribution of changes driven by atmospheric CO2 in lakes and rivers. The effects of acidification-driven changes due to increasing atmospheric CO2 on lake ecosystems have not been determined (Hasler et al., 2015), but species-level studies suggest that, just as in ocean environments, impacts to freshwater organisms could be widespread and yet difficult to forecast (Weiss et al., 2018).
Investigations of ocean acidification’s effect on marine life show evidence of a wide range of sensitivities within and across diverse groups of organisms. Calcifying phytoplankton like coccolithophorids as well as multicellular organisms like scleractinian corals, pteropods, foraminifera, bivalves, crustaceans, and gastropods generally show negative but complex responses to ocean acidification, including altered biological processes such as growth, photosynthesis, calcification, and reproductive success (Bednaršek et al., 2016; Hofmann et al., 2010; Kroeker et al., 2013; Riebesell and Tortell 2011; Meyer and Riebesell 2015). Several finfish and shark species display altered risk-taking and hunting behaviors (Hamilton et al., 2014; Munday et al., 2014; Dixson et al., 2014), responses which have been related to changes in olfaction and neurotransmitter levels that result from ocean acidification (Munday et al., 2009; Dixson et al., 2010). Developmental changes in some harvested species such as summer flounder and tuna have also been noted (Chambers et al., 2014; Frommel et al., 2016). Conversely, photosynthesis of phytoplankton (algae), seagrasses, and kelp generally increases (Fu et al., 2007; Hutchins et al., 2013; Riebesell et al., 2007; Mackey et al., 2015), although net responses are highly species-specific and limited by several cellular processes, including species’ carbon capture mechanisms (Mackey et al., 2015). Species responsible for harmful algal blooms are stimulated by changing ocean temperatures, carbonate chemistry, and nutrient ratios, displaying higher growth rates and greater toxin production (Fu et al., 2012). Theory suggests that acidification also may affect bioavailability of nutrients and trace minerals and stoichiometry of biogeochemical processes (Millero et al., 2009), but experimental results are mixed (Breitbarth et al., 2010; Shi et al., 2010). Co-occurrence of elevated temperatures, excessive nutrient inputs, changes in light availability, and increased hypoxia are likely to exacerbate and complicate the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms or ecosystems (Bijma et al., 2013; Kroeker et al., 2013).
Ocean acidification impacts at the ecosystem level are difficult to predict because of the complexity of species- and population-level responses, but that research is beginning. Population-scale projections of ocean acidification’s effects have been developed for a few high-value, intensively managed single-species fisheries, including Tanner crab (Punt et al., 2016) and sea scallop (Cooley et al., 2015). More broadly, physiological and behavioral changes could alter predator-prey relationships and other species interactions, driving changes in species abundance and composition of ecological communities. Ocean acidification contributes to net loss of corals, and this loss destroys reef habitats and displaces associated marine communities (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2007). Ecosystem-scale projections incorporating ocean acidification and other environmental changes are only now being developed for select locations (e.g., California Current, Puget Sound, and northeastern United States; Busch et al., 2013; Fay et al., 2017; Kaplan et al., 2010). Much of the complexity in observed responses lies in 1) different timescales of response relative to the change in ocean acidification, 2) organisms’ abilities to acclimate or genetically adapt, and 3) linkages between ocean acidification and other environmental stressors. Observational (Pespeni et al., 2013; Wootton et al., 2008), integrative (Boyd et al., 2014), and modeling (e.g., Dutkiewicz et al., 2015) studies emphasize the complexity of observed and predicted changes and suggest that future community and functional responses are likely to be more profound than the changes already observed.
Acidification varies with latitude because CO2 solubility depends on temperature, with lower-temperature waters capable of holding more CO2 and thus becoming more readily acidified. Models show that the suite of ocean changes (e.g., circulation, biological productivity, and ventilation) associated with atmospheric CO2 absorption and the thermal effects of CO2 and other greenhouse gases on the ocean are likely to decrease the ocean’s future ability to take up atmospheric CO2 (see Ch. 19: Future of the North American Carbon Cycle, Section 19.6). In the near future, polar ecosystems may change enough to become undersaturated with respect to CaCO3 minerals (Feely et al., 2009; Orr et al., 2005; Steinacher et al., 2010), owing to the large amount of CO2 already dissolved in high-latitude ocean areas. When waters are undersaturated, CaCO3 minerals will not precipitate. Even though low-latitude ocean areas will not become undersaturated with CaCO3 minerals in the future, pH conditions will exceed or have already exceeded the bounds of observed natural variability (see Figure 17.4; Sutton et al., 2016), exposing low-latitude organisms such as warm-swater coral reefs to chemical conditions suboptimal for growth and calcification (Fabricius et al., 2011).
The CO2 fertilization effect is defined in SOCCR1 as the “phenomenon in which plant growth increases (and agricultural crop yields increase) due to the increased rates of photosynthesis of plant species in response to elevated concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere.” SOCCR1 concluded that the CO2 fertilization effect was widespread, but whether enhanced photosynthesis would translate into a persistent land carbon sink was unclear (CCSP 2007). The global land carbon sink, calculated as the difference between human emissions and carbon accumulating in the atmosphere and ocean, has grown from 0.2 ± 0.5 petagrams of carbon (Pg C) per year in the 1960s to 3.0 ± 0.7 Pg C per year in 2014 (Le Quéré et al., 2015). This change consists of the effects of land-use change and the residual land sink (Le Quéré et al., 2016). The residual carbon sink is carbon that is stored on land but is calculated as the remainder of other observed carbon sinks rather than observed itself. Growth in the residual sink is attributed to global changes in CO2, nitrogen deposition, and climate in both observational studies and modeling efforts (Ballantyne et al., 2012; Le Quéré et al., 2016; Schimel et al., 2015). However, predicting how the land carbon sink will respond to changing atmospheric CO2 is challenging because the land sink is inferred by accounting rather than experimental testing. The research community has evaluated the CO2 fertilization effect through experimental manipulations such as Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) projects (see Figure 17.1), tree rings, observational networks, and modeling experiments.
Plants take up carbon through the process of photosynthesis and synthesize biomass (e.g., leaves, wood, and roots) from simple, carbon-rich sugars derived from CO2. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere, plants can photosynthesize more quickly. Plants take up CO2 through the same pores (stomata) from which they lose water, leading to a balance between CO2 uptake and water loss. Rising CO2 increases carbon uptake per unit of water lost, allowing plants to close their stomata and therefore become more efficient in water usage (see Box 17.1, Short-Term Physiological Effects of CO2 on Plants). These physiological effects play out differently in different types of plants and under different environmental conditions. Twenty years of CO2-enrichment experiments have shown that elevated CO2 enhances photosynthetic carbon gain over the long term for certain ecosystem types but only over the short term for others (Leakey et al., 2009; Leuzinger et al., 2011; Norby and Zak 2011). Plant communities dominated by trees and grasses generally show greater stimulation of photosynthetic carbon uptake compared to that of legumes, shrubs, and nonleguminous crops (Ainsworth and Rogers 2007).
Net primary production (NPP) is calculated as either the balance between carbon gained through photosynthesis and lost through respiration or the sum of all growth over a year. With increased CO2, NPP is enhanced by ~23% across a broad range of early successional forests (Norby et al., 2005). These results probably are not indicative of all forests, and smaller responses have been observed in the limited number of studies carried out in old-growth temperate, boreal, and tropical forests (Hickler et al., 2008; Körner et al., 2005). Also clear is that the temporal pattern of NPP responses to elevated CO2 differs among forests (e.g., McCarthy et al., 2010; Norby et al., 2010).
Plants balance carbon gain and water loss. Stomatal conductance is depressed at elevated CO2, so plants may reduce water loss without reducing carbon gain, an observation which has been noted at the leaf and canopy scales (Keenan et al., 2013; Leakey et al., 2009; Peñuelas et al., 2011). Observations of decreased canopy evapotranspiration at elevated CO2 are therefore coupled with those of increased soil moisture. Crop carbon accumulation and water-use efficiency can be enhanced under drought conditions (Blum 2009; Morison et al., 2008), but extreme droughts may reduce or eliminate these enhancements (Gray et al., 2016).
Plant growth over years is not limited by CO2 alone (Körner 2015). If another environmental factor limits growth, then experimentally increasing CO2 causes diminished enhancement of photosynthesis and plant production (Ainsworth and Long 2005; Ainsworth and Rogers 2007). For example, nitrogen is sequestered in long-lived biomass and soil pools and may not always be readily available to plants. In this case, nitrogen limitation inhibits increases in plant production associated with elevated CO2, a process which is referred to as a negative feedback. In systems where nitrogen cycling did not reduce sink strength, the effects of CO2 fertilization on increasing NPP persisted (Drake et al., 2011; Finzi et al., 2006). The effects of rising CO2 on tree biomass may be inferred from tree-ring records, but results are mixed; some studies show no effect from changing CO2, and others show increased growth or water-use efficiency (Andreu-Hayles et al., 2011; Cole et al., 2009; Knapp and Soulé 2011; Koutavas 2013).
Because of these complications, whether rising CO2 will lead to larger standing biomass and carbon storage is unclear, in part because of the enormous complexity of the entire system (Norby and Zak 2011; Leuzinger and Hattenschwiler 2013). While instantaneous and annual fluxes of carbon are well studied in the FACE literature, the allocation of carbon to stems, roots, and leaves, for example, varies among experiments (DeLucia et al., 2005), and enhancement of multidecadal carbon stocks (e.g., woody biomass and soil organic matter) is not well studied (Leuzinger and Hattenschwiler 2013; Norby and Zak 2011). Increased carbon supply from plants can lead to heightened activity of soil fauna and more rapid cycling of carbon rather than increased carbon storage in soils (Phillips et al., 2012; van Groenigen et al., 2011, 2014). Because observed changes in soil carbon were small over the timescale of the FACE studies (3 to 16 years), firm conclusions about the impact of elevated CO2 on soil carbon remain elusive (Luo et al., 2011). In general, research suggests that large effects of rising CO2 on carbon storage in soils are limited (Schlesinger and Lichter 2001), although the combined effects of CO2 and nitrogen deposition and rising temperatures may significantly affect soil carbon loss (Zhou et al., 2016).
Climate and rising atmospheric CO2 can alter the amount of carbon taken up or released by ecosystems and the ocean. Rising temperatures influence the response of the carbon cycle to rising CO2 in diverse and complicated ways, yielding both positive and negative feedbacks (Deryng et al., 2016; Dieleman et al., 2012; Holding et al., 2015). Positive feedbacks tend to be additive of the original effect, negative feedbacks tend to counteract the original effect. Overall, rising temperatures tend to release more land and ocean carbon into the atmosphere, while rising CO2 is projected to increase land and ocean uptake (Friedlingstein et al., 2006). However, the importance of this positive feedback is variable according to different locations and time frames. Earth System Model assessments that incorporate carbon cycle feedbacks to projected climate change show that the combined effects of climate change result in an overall larger increase in CO2 concentrations, thus contributing to additional climate warming (a positive feedback). However, this feedback is highly uncertain due to its dependence on various factors, so different studies may report large ranges in predicted CO2 concentrations (Blok et al., 2010; Elberling et al., 2013; Hodgkins et al., 2014; McCalley et al., 2014; Schneider von Deimling et al., 2012; Schuur et al., 2009). Temperature also indirectly influences radiative CO2 effects. For example, increased evaporation from the ocean in a warmer world yields higher atmospheric water vapor concentrations that further amplify the impact of CO2 on climate warming (Myhre et al., 2013). Another chapter in this report presents a broader discussion of the impacts of multiple environmental changes (see Ch. 19: Future of the North American Carbon Cycle).
On land, the direct effect of rising CO2 on plant photosynthesis and growth interacts with rising temperature (Gray et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2016). Rising CO2 increases the photosynthetic temperature optimum (Long 1991) because of the decreasing relative solubility of CO2 versus oxygen at higher temperatures (Jordan and Ogren 1984). While photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition sensitivities to temperature act on short timescales of decades, chemical weathering sensitivities act over several hundred thousand years and are largely responsible for moderating CO2 levels throughout the geological record. Rising temperatures affect biogeochemical processes through enhanced NPP, faster microbial decomposition of organic matter and increased emissions of CO2 from microbial respiration in soils, and increased rates of chemical weathering (Galloway et al., 2014). However, interactions between rising CO2 and temperature are complicated by nonuniform warming patterns, and research shows that climate warming can either stimulate or suppress plant productivity depending on the season and region (Xia et al., 2014). In the cryosphere, higher temperatures thaw permafrost and melt ice, processes which release stored CO2 and CH4 back into the atmosphere (Schneider von Deimling et al., 2012).
Chemical weathering of minerals, which consumes CO2 from the atmosphere, provides an important feedback mechanism for CO2 in the carbon cycle (Berner 1992; Colbourn et al., 2015; Kump et al., 2000; see Ch. 12: Soils). Carbon dioxide is found in soils and surficial deposits because of plant and microbial respiration as well as chemical weathering of minerals. Carbonic acid, which is formed naturally when CO2 becomes dissolved into infiltrating rainwater, can dissolve primary minerals, a process that consumes CO2. Also, CaCO3 may precipitate in soils and surficial deposits if concentrations are high enough, a process that may be enhanced by low soil moisture and in semiarid and arid climates (Berner 1992). The rates of mineral reactions depend on several factors, including temperature, pressure, and mineral saturation state, all of which are influenced by climate. As temperatures rise, weathering rates of most minerals increase, leading to greater CO2 consumption (Brady and Carroll 1994; Velbel 1993). Precipitation (e.g., rain and snowmelt) flushes solutes away, lowering the saturation state for primary minerals in solution, thereby promoting higher mineral weathering rates (Clow and Mast 2010; Kump et al., 2000). Thus, greater precipitation would lead to lower mineral saturation states, higher weathering rates, and greater CO2 consumption (Clow and Mast 2010). These feedback mechanisms have the potential to help mitigate the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but their effects will vary spatially and temporally in concert with changes in temperature and precipitation. For example, while the northeastern United States may see relatively strong increases in weathering rates because of increasing temperature and precipitation (IPCC 2013), the Southwest might experience more mixed impacts because of increasing temperature but decreasing precipitation (IPCC 2013).
Oceanic ecosystem services critical for human survival, such as the provision of fish and seafood, carbon storage, coastal protection by reefs, and climate modulation, face significant risks from the combined effects of ocean acidification, warming, and sea level rise (Gattuso et al., 2015). Under the current rate of CO2 emissions, most marine organisms evaluated to date will face a very high risk of impacts by 2100, and some, including coral reefs (Hughes et al., 2017; Ainsworth et al., 2016; Hughes et al., 2018) and bivalve shellfish (Kroeker et al., 2013), already face moderate to high risk today (Gattuso et al., 2015; see Figure 17.5). For future scenarios without significant mitigation of CO2 emissions, predicted impacts to ocean ecosystem services are moderate for the early decades of this century but put all ecosystem services at high or very high risk by 2100 (Gattuso et al., 2015).
Rising CO2 will affect species differentially. Described here are the direct effects of rising CO2 rather than the impacts of warming, which are discussed comprehensively in CSSR (USGCRP 2017). Acidification by CO2 has been associated with a decline in shell-bearing benthic organisms (Hall-Spencer et al., 2008; Kroeker et al., 2011). Declines in oyster spat survival at a commercial hatchery in the U.S. Pacific Northwest that temporarily jeopardized the region’s oyster aquaculture industry have been definitively attributed to ocean acidification (Barton et al., 2015). Laboratory studies and meta-analyses have provided evidence for and against detrimental effects on marine biodiversity (Bijma et al., 2013; Dupont et al., 2010; Hendriks and Duarte 2010; Hendriks et al., 2010). Foundational organisms such as microbial populations, while not deeply studied, also demonstrate a range of positive to negative responses to ocean acidification (Bunse et al., 2016). The effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystem structure are only now being identified. Models simulating ocean acidification’s impacts on bivalve shellfish have shown a restructuring of the entire California Current ecosystem by a combination of indirect predator-prey effects (Busch et al., 2013; Kaplan et al., 2010). Another model showed substantial restructuring of phytoplankton communities under ocean acidification and warming (Dutkiewicz et al., 2015), but studies still have not determined whether this restructuring would have significant effects on phytoplankton community function or food-web relationships.
On land, elevated atmospheric CO2 studies have demonstrated that seed yield can be increased (LaDeau and Clark 2001, 2006). In some crop species, increased seed production was accompanied by reduced quality (Ainsworth et al., 2002) but not in tree species (Way et al., 2010). Species show different growth responses to rising CO2 (Dawes et al., 2011), possibly giving dominant plants an advantage (McDonald et al., 2002; Moore et al., 2006) and leading to changes in forest structure. However, the impact on biodiversity will depend on ecological responses that will remain uncertain without long-term study of ecological responses to rising CO2 (Alin et al., 2015; Carey and Cottingham 2016; Elmendorf et al., 2016; Schimel et al., 2011).
Ocean acidification is likely to have long-term effects on the population and diversity of fish and invertebrates, including economically and ecologically important shellfish (Pörtner et al., 2004). Although difficult to untangle, the combined effects of resource competition, pollution, overfishing, habitat modification, acidification, water temperature increases, and climate-driven changes on small-scale fisheries and aquaculture are likely to result in widespread changes in ocean ecosystems and in the fisheries themselves (HLPE 2014).
The impacts of ocean acidification on the food value, quality, and market value of marine species have yet to be conclusively determined. One preliminary study (Dupont et al., 2014) notes that the taste and texture of pink shrimp (Pandalus borealis) were poorer when the shrimp had been raised under more acidified conditions. Assuming that ocean acidification slows the growth of bivalve shellfish in the wild as it does in laboratory studies (Kroeker et al., 2013), harvest of the largest size class of sea scallop meat, which fetches a market price premium, is projected to decline under acidification (Cooley et al., 2015). The growth-retarding effects of acidification on king and Tanner crab as reported by Long et al. (2013a, 2013b) are projected to harm fishery revenues (Punt et al., 2016), but the implications of acidification for the market quality of Alaskan crabs (e.g., taste and texture) are not yet known. If the laboratory and model results reviewed above hold true in natural ecosystems, ocean acidification is likely to decrease the volume or quality of marine harvests beyond simply the impacts on oyster aquaculture observed to date. The larval production shortage in the mid-2000s experienced by the Pacific Northwest oyster aquaculture industry that was conclusively attributed to ocean acidification remains the bellwether example of impacts to fisheries from rising CO2 (Barton et al., 2015).
Terrestrial provisioning services (e.g., crops and livestock) also are responding to rising CO2. For example, crop production increased in response to experimentally elevated CO2 (Leakey et al., 2009), but increases in crop yield were accompanied by decreases in seed quality (Myers et al., 2014). Physiological changes also led to increased herbivory in some crops (DeLucia et al., 2012; Dermody et al., 2008). The effects of rising CO2 on crop yield are tempered by other global changes. Corresponding increases in ground ozone decreases productivity (Morgan et al., 2006), and increased drought may remove the positive effects of rising CO2 entirely (Gray et al., 2016). Carbon dioxide fertilization can have either direct or indirect consequences on agriculture. At higher levels of atmospheric warming and at low latitudes, model simulations show significant reductions in yields for all major crops, even with the positive benefits of CO2 fertilization (Challinor et al., 2014). Indirect effects of rising CO2 include the reduction in nutrient content and digestibility of pasture for livestock (Tubiello et al., 2007) and reductions in protein content by 10% to 14% in the edible portions of wheat, rice, barley, and potato and by 1.5% in soybeans (Müller et al., 2014; Taub et al., 2008).
Terrestrial food and fiber production over the next century may be more profoundly influenced by climate change than by rising CO2 itself. Climate changes could include heatwaves during growing seasons, droughts and lengthening of dry spells, and rising sea levels (Melillo et al., 2014; Nelson et al., 2014; Wiebe et al., 2015). The greater the greenhouse gas concentrations, the greater the change in the climate and climate-associated risks for agriculture and food security (Brown et al., 2015).
Vegetated coastal ecosystems store CO2 in seagrasses, marshes, kelp, and mangroves at rates comparable with those of forest ecosystems (McLeod et al., 2011). This “blue carbon” is believed to be an important sink for atmospheric CO2, but coastal habitats are under strong human-driven pressures worldwide including habitat destruction, rising ocean temperatures, sea level rise, and sediment starvation (see Ch. 15: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries). For example, erosion of coastal wetlands or thawing of coastal Arctic permafrost exposes buried organic carbon, which can either be respired in situ to release CH4 or CO2, exacerbating atmospheric warming, or be released to nearshore waters and respired there, contributing to local acidification (Aufdenkampe et al., 2011; see Ch. 11: Arctic and Boreal Carbon). Seagrasses may help mitigate ocean acidification locally (Hendriks et al., 2014), underscoring the double benefit of protecting blue carbon habitats.
Carbon on land is stored in vegetation and soils. Forests account for approximately 66% of the land carbon sink (see Ch. 2: North American Carbon Budget and Ch. 9: Forests), a percentage which could increase if strategies were applied to minimize forest losses from deforestation. However, carbon sinks change with the age of forest regrowth—the rate of carbon accumulation is rapid in young forests but typically quite low in old-growth forests. Restoring the organic content of agricultural and natural soils also can increase soil carbon storage (Lal 2003). Historically, soils have lost vast amounts of carbon when transitioning from natural to human-modified landscapes (e.g., through urbanization and forest and agricultural management; see also Ch. 5: Agriculture and Ch. 12: Soils), but gauging the effect of land management on carbon storage is challenging. The land carbon sink is calculated using bookkeeping methods that sum together carbon into different respective ecosystem compartments (e.g., land, ocean, and atmosphere) at a variety of scales. The carbon sink is typically inferred by the existence of a residual (i.e., unaccounted) sink in the global carbon budget. Therefore, the effects of land management can be difficult to detect and attribute using carbon balance accounting methods (Erb et al., 2013).
In low-latitude areas around the world, coral reefs are particularly important for protecting coastlines, but the combined effects of rising temperature and ocean acidification slow the growth of stony coral reefs (Muehllehner et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2014), hindering their ability to grow or recover from damage (Hughes et al., 2017; Ainsworth et al., 2016; Hughes et al., 2018). Carbonate sediments also are being dissolved by ocean acidification, while sea level also rises; the net effect has accelerated the relative rate of sea level rise near Florida, Hawai‘i, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, exposing those coastal communities to heightened risk of flooding (Yates et al., 2017). Globally, the loss of the three-dimensional structure of the reef could expose 200 million people to greater effects of storms and tsunamis (Ferrario et al., 2014). People living in the low-elevation coastal zone (LECZ), below 10 m in elevation (Vafeidis et al., 2011), face a higher risk of coastal hazards such as flooding and sea level rise due to climate change (Lichter and Felsenstein 2012). In the United States, population in the LECZ is forecast to increase by 188% from 23 million in 2000 to 44 million in 2060 (Neumann et al., 2015), so losses of coral reefs that protect coastlines heighten overall coastal community risk.
Reduced transpiration due to increased plant water-use efficiency (Leakey et al., 2009; Norby and Zak 2011) may allow more water to pass through soils and enter freshwater ecosystems. As discussed in Ch. 13: Terrestrial Wetlands and Ch. 14: Inland Waters, inland waters act as hotspots for the degradation and outgassing of carbon originating from both terrestrial and aquatic sources. Increases in precipitation events, along with reductions in transpiration (Charney et al., 2016; van der Sleen et al., 2014), may facilitate the movement of materials from the landscape into water systems, altering ecosystem structure and function as seen extensively on Lake Erie (Smith et al., 2015). Conversely, the drying of systems that receive less precipitation will dramatically influence the timing of rainfed and snowmelt-driven ecosystems and municipalities reliant on surface waters for agriculture, fisheries, industry, and drinking water (Clow et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2004).
The rise of atmospheric CO2—attributable primarily to human-caused fossil fuel emissions and land-use change—has been dampened by carbon uptake by the ocean and terrestrial biosphere. Nevertheless, today’s atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than at any time in at least the past 800,000 years (Hönisch et al., 2012). Uptake of this fossil fuel CO2 has caused documented direct and indirect effects on terrestrial and oceanic systems and processes in different regions of North America and the rest of the planet. The capacity of these systems to continue to act as carbon sinks is not certain because the systems are dynamic and influenced by feedbacks related to CO2 levels (see Section 17.3). Another major set of consequences stems from the atmospheric warming caused by rising CO2; weather and climate changes affect nearly every terrestrial and oceanic process (see Section 17.3–17.5) and often lead to additional feedbacks. Although reviewed in detail in other reports, including the IPCC AR5 (IPCC 2013) and CSSR (USGCRP 2017), these consequences deserve mention here because of their combined effects with CO2 on systems and processes throughout the land and ocean domains.
Research has uncovered many of the direct and indirect responses of natural systems to rising CO2, but mechanisms often remain unclear. Since the SOCCR1 report, increasing computational power has enabled the development of complex models to examine the consequences of rising CO2 and a changing carbon cycle. Observational and modeling studies, such as the new generation of FACE experiments now underway, are being planned in concert to enable strategic data collection. Some of these approaches allow for limitations of multiple resources (e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus), which could lead to more realistic projections of the terrestrial carbon sink’s response to rising CO2. As Figure 17.1 illustrates, there are current FACE experiments in the Northwest, Northeast, Southern Plains, or any tropical ecosystem within the U.S. territories. While most experiments are in mesic (wet) or temperate ecosystems (see Figure 17.6), understanding the response of tropical forests or coniferous boreal forests is critical to account for carbon cycle feedbacks. Oceanic models are providing insight into ecosystem relationships and dynamics under global change and into the biophysical underpinnings of ocean-atmosphere interactions. Despite these insights, knowledge of how multiple global change factors affect modeled processes would greatly improve model forecast ability. In contrast, most experimental manipulations are single-factor experiments in which only one variable is manipulated.
Disentangling the impacts of rising CO2 and other concurrent changes in climate, land use, nutrient cycles, and atmospheric chemistry across all ecosystems likely requires long-term, sustained carbon cycle observations and monitoring of ecosystem and socioeconomic consequences. Long-term observing networks are critical to managing ecosystems sustainably and adaptively (e.g., Schindler and Hilborn 2015), and a focus on data management and interoperability across data platforms would improve understanding of long-term responses to rising CO2 (Ciais et al., 2014). Few experiments on land or in the ocean extend to a decade in length, and therefore the long-term ecosystem responses are not clear.
Pörtner et al. (2014) conclude that there is medium to high agreement that ecosystem services will change. However, the effects of rising CO2 on biodiversity and vegetation changes after disturbance remain poorly understood and could result in altered ecosystem function and different ecosystem services. This lack of understanding also limits the ability to anticipate recovery from acute disturbances such as storms, fires, disease, or insect outbreaks.
As forecasts of future conditions improve, investigating past conditions on Earth is still important. Over short timescales, historical terrestrial work is limited to studies that involve reconstructions of plant growth (e.g., tree rings). Exploring historical conditions decades or centuries before via ice core analysis, seafloor sediment core studies, and geological research will continue to uncover aspects of prior ages that are analogous to today, aiding the anticipation of potential changes in the Earth system as global change continues.
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